
properties are split up between 2 rings on the board - the first ring representing the grand line and the second ring representing the new world. each property is an island visited throughout the show, DESCRIPTION OF STATIONS and the 2 strawhat ships for the utility spaces.

list of properties and prices

property name colour price area
foosha village colour 40 grand line
orange town colour 60 grand line
station 1 n/a 200 grand line
syrup village colour 100 grand line
baratie colour 100 grand line
arlong park colour 120 grand line
loguetown colour 140 grand line
going merry n/a 150 grand line
whisky peak colour 140 grand line
little garden colour 160 grand line
station 2 n/a 300 grand line/new world
drum island colour 180 grand line
alabasta colour 180 grand line
goat island colour 200 grand line
ruluka island colour 220 grand line
jaya colour 220 grand line
skypiea colour 240 grand line
station 3 n/a 200 grand line
g8 colour 260 grand line
long ring long land colour 260 grand line
thousand sunny n/a 150 grand line
water 7 colour 280 grand line
enies lobby colour 300 grand line
thriller bark colour 300 grand line
sabaody archipelago colour 320 grand line
station 4 n/a 300 grand line/new world
amazon lily colour 350 grand line
marineford colour 400 grand line
fish-man island colour 300 new world
burning island colour 300 new world
ice lands colour 320 new world
green bit colour 340 new world
tontatta kingdom colour 340 new world
dressrosa colour 360 new world
cacao island colour 380 new world
seducing woods colour 380 new world
whole cake colour 400 new world
zou colour 420 new world
onigashima colour 420 new world
wano colour 440 new world