all about my kitties!
ezio auditore dafirenze
nicknames: aldi, chubba, chunk, chunky monkey, kid, little one
ezio is the first cat i've had since he was a kitten and i've grown extremely attached to the not so little guy. we took him in when he was only 6 weeks old when he was so small he could fit in my palm. he is very much the king of the household, always getting his own way. he is a little too fond of food, earning himself an array of nicknames referring to his size and habit of trying to steal my food. he gets very excited when mcdonalds is about.. one time he climbed up onto a chair next to me and actually took a bite of my big mac! he's definitely a lover and not a fighter, which ends up with him getting 'beat up' by the other cats in the area although he has one ginger cat that comes over to visit most days who we have named simba. they get on most of the time but simba can get a bit feisty sometimes, especially if biscuits are involved haha.
lunar moon
nicknames: lm, looney moony
we only had this guy for a few months during the summer a few years back but he will always have a place in my heart ♥
nicknames: purin, puds, pudpud, kitty softpaws
a gorgeous girl i adopted/rescued with an ex boyfriend. sadly i had to leave her with my ex when we split up but given how nervous she was around women due to previous owners this made sense. she never really liked me but i loved her anyway and i was just happy i could give her a home where she was looked after. she had the most gorgeous fluffy paws, earning her the name kitty softpaws like the cat in puss in boots.
charles soap mctavish 
nicknames: chacha, scar
sadly no longer with us ♥ it was a long process of charles becoming an official member of the family. he started off as the cat of one of our neighbours but when they moved (not too far away) he made his way back and stayed in the area. he started to come and visit us for food at first, then he would stick around sitting at the end of our garden. this went on for months and by the winter he started to make his way into the house for warmth. by the spring i think charles had just decided we were trustworthy enough for him to stay with us. we always gave him his space as he wasn't really a house cat, preferring to spend most of his time outside and enjoying limited physical affection. even so, he was always nice with booboo. he would sit out on the fence when she went out in the garden and watch out for other cats, super adorable!
foxy cleopatra 
nicknames: cleo, booboo, glamour-puss
sadly no longer with us ♥ the first kitty i ever had, after years of begging my mum for a cat i was gifted with cleo for my birthday.